We're embarking on an ambitious experiment at Spawn, one that attempts to find the sweet-spot between anonymity and connection. If we do this right, we'll be the home for discovering raw stories, and real connections.

And we're about 2 months away from launch.
In the meantime...
Do you have any?
A story is any personal narrative or experience shared in writing. Think Reddit, Tumblr, etc.
stories submitted
We're on the hunt for the raw, the real, and the riveting – and we know you've got something up your sleeve.
Write Story
When you submit a story during our pre-launch phase, our team will not only read it, we may select your story to be featured on our YouTube channel along with other creators who want to showcase your stories as well.

The story does not have to be grand or a tale of epic adventure; we just want what's real and authentic. We find that this is enough to.

Spawn, and your stories, are completely anonymous. Only your username is ever shown, and it is up to you what you decide to reveal in your post. Once we launch, your stories will show up in your account. Do not share any details in your post that should be private.
Spawn © 2023. All rights reserved.